Software Update - 5.5.0

New Features!
- We're excited to add two new tools as part of your on-going cost management on jobs: Minimum Usage Rollover & Yield
  • Minimum Usage Rollover: Enables manufacturers to charge a minimum usage fee for the initial material sheets used per job, ensuring cost recovery for materials not absorbed into job costs. This rollover with occur X times (however amount of times you want to provision in the order) before it no longer becomes relevant to the customer.
  • Expected Yield Factor: Allows manufacturers to set a yield percentage that adjusts material area costs to reflect the actual usable material, ensuring more accurate pricing.

New Fixes:
- Resolved a glitch where occasionally edge materials wouldn't match to material colour on room setting
- Fixed a bug where GST wouldn't show on benchtops when the 'Save and Continue Editing' option was selected (visual glitch only, GST value was added and would display on page refresh or submission)